Site Coordinator FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Site Coordinators working with Horizon Education

How to Log in / Overview

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with the same email and password that you set up with Horizon Education
  3. First time logging in?  Check your email for a setup email from Subject line: Horizon Education Account Activation
  4. Unable to log in? Click the Forgot Password? link to reset your password

How to Add a Student

  1. Log into the Horizon Education portal
  2. Select the Enrollment tab from the menu near the top
  3. Select the class schedule to add a student
  4. Select Create Student
  5. Input the student information
    1. Student First Name - Required
    2. Student Last Name - Required
    3. Student Email Address - Required
    4. Student Phone Number - Optional
    5. Student ID Number - Required
    6. Course Schedule - Required
    7. Grade Level - Required
  6. Click Create Student. The student is now rostered. A setup email will be sent to the student. The email will come from Subject line: Horizon Education Account Activation. The student will be able to log in and update their password.

How to Edit/Delete a Student

Note: While teachers have permission to edit and delete student enrollment, it is advised that this is done in collaboration with the site coordinator.

  1. Log into the Horizon Education portal
  2. Select the Enrollment tab from the menu near the top
  3. Select the class schedule or the entire school option
  4. To Edit a student, locate the student and select Edit Info on the right side of the list
  5. To delete a student, locate the student and select Delete on the right side of the list. Confirm the deletion on the popup box.

How to Move Students Between Testing Schedules

Note: While teachers have permission to edit and delete student enrollment, it is advised that this is done in collaboration with the site coordinator.

  1. Log into the Horizon Education portal
  2. Select the Enrollment tab from the menu near the top
  3. Select the class schedule where the student is currently enrolled. 
  4. Select one or more students by checking the box to the left of their name
  5. Select the destination class from the Transfer Students to: dropdown
  6. Select Transfer Students

How to Release and Monitor Assessments

  1. Log into the Horizon Education portal
  2. Select the Assessments tab from the menu near the top
  3. Select a class schedule and Assessment. Note: Assessments must be released by class. Assessments cannot be released to the entire school.
  4. Select an assessment segment and click the Locked icon. This will release the assessment segment to all students in the class schedule. Note: This releases the assessment segment to all rostered students in the class schedule. If you need to release the test segment to a smaller group of students, contact Horizon Education for help.
  5. The locked icon will change to Released.  The assessment segment is now available to students
  6. The lower section of the assessment page reports the status of each test segment by student. 

How to Message Students

  1. Log into the Horizon Education portal
  2. Select the Message Students tab from the menu near the top
  3. Select the class schedule and the message type.
    1. SMS messages will only be sent to students with phone numbers. SMS messages are limited to 160 characters
    2. Email messages are sent to all students with a valid email address. At this time, email messages do not support attachments, images, or hyperlinks.

Note: All messages are sent to all students in the class. Students are unable to respond to emails and SMS messages. 

How to Interpret a Group Score Report

Coming Soon

How to Interpret an Individual Score Report

Coming Soon

How to Get Additional Help

We’re here to help.  You can reach Horizon Education in two ways. Email questions or for additional support:

Chat with our support staff using the chat button located on the bottom right hand corner of the Horizon website and portal. Hours are Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm PST.