The Louisiana Believes Program

Louisiana, like many other states, recognizes the importance of preparing its high school students for success in post-secondary education.

Louisiana, like many other states, recognizes the importance of preparing its high school students for success in post-secondary education. To achieve this goal, the state has implemented several initiatives and programs aimed at providing students with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to succeed in college and beyond.

One of the key initiatives in Louisiana is the Louisiana Believes program, which is a comprehensive reform effort aimed at improving public education across the state. 

This program places a strong emphasis on college and career readiness: 

  • Provides students with access to rigorous coursework
  • Hands-on learning experiences that prepare them for success in post-secondary education
  • focus on personalized learning
  • Recognizes that every student is unique and has different needs, interests, and strengths
  • Provides students with a variety of instructional methods and resources that are tailored to their individual needs 
  1. online learning opportunities
  2. project-based learning experiences
  3. innovative teaching methods.

In addition to the Louisiana Believes program, the state also provides students with access to advanced placement (AP) courses and exams. AP courses are college-level courses that are taught in high school and culminate in an exam that can potentially earn students college credit. By taking AP courses, students can demonstrate their readiness for college-level work and gain valuable experience in a college-like environment.

Furthermore, Louisiana also provides students with access to dual enrollment programs, which allow them to earn college credit while still in high school. This not only helps prepare students for the rigors of post-secondary education, but also helps them save time and money in the long run.

The state also provides students with resources and support services to help them transition successfully into post-secondary education. This includes financial aid and scholarship information, college readiness assessments, and one-on-one counseling and support.

College readiness assessments provided to Louisiana high school students include:

  • ACT®: The ACT® is a standardized test that measures a student's academic skills in English, mathematics, reading, and science. The ACT® is widely accepted by colleges and universities across the country and is used as a benchmark for college readiness.
  • Louisiana Educational Assessment Program® (LEAP): The LEAP is a state-administered assessment that measures a student's academic skills in various subjects, including English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. The LEAP is used to assess students' progress and to determine their readiness for post-secondary education.
  • College Readiness Standards Assessment® (CRSA): The CRSA is a statewide assessment that measures a student's knowledge of college readiness standards in areas such as English, mathematics, and science. The CRSA is used to identify areas where students need additional support and to help them prepare for college-level work.
  • Advanced Placement® (AP) Exams: AP® exams are college-level exams that are taken after students complete an AP course. AP® exams are used to measure a student's mastery of college-level content and can potentially earn them college credit.

These college readiness assessments help students understand their strengths and weaknesses and provide them with valuable information about their preparedness for post-secondary education. They also help the state and educators understand where they need to focus their efforts to improve college and career readiness for all students.

In conclusion, Louisiana is taking a comprehensive and personalized approach to preparing its high school students for success in post-secondary education. Through initiatives like the Louisiana Believes program, access to advanced placement courses, dual enrollment programs, and support services, the state is helping students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in college and beyond.

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