Are Your Students Ready to Take the SAT/ACT?

Learn more about how your school or district can better utilize your PSAT results

Starting scores on the SAT/ACT (or percentiles on the PSAT) will tell us everything.  It is very important to differentiate between test preparation and content remediation. Let's take the SAT as an example. A perfect score on the SAT is a 1600, and research has shown us that a 950 is the cutoff score that tells us everything about a students testing performance. Any student below a 950 is in need of content remediation, and those students scoring above a 950 are in need of test preparation. Being able to differentiate instruction between the two types of test takers will create a sustainable testing support system at your school site, and your students will begin to see consistent score improvements along the way. Helping students interpret their PSAT results is a great way to make sure they are prepared to take the SAT now, or at a later time.

Are the PSAT/Pre-ACT results your school/district purchased, sitting on your desk, or in your email inbox collecting dust?

The PSAT and the Pre-ACT are both college readiness assessments, that provide students with a glimpse of what to expect on either the SAT or ACT. Districts all around the county have paid millions of dollars to the assessment giants (CollegeBoard and ACT), to give students access to these assessments, but what is being done with the data to make an equitable curricular impact for your students in the classroom?  

After visiting over 200 high schools in the past year, we found a similar trend in nearly 99% of the schools we visited; nothing was being done with the PSAT/Pre-ACT results at a teacher or administrative level.  Often times, we would meet with instructional leaders, assistant principals, and counselors and see PSAT results sitting in a stack, collecting dust. To be fair, the data schools receive seems to be written in another language, difficult to interpret, and only makes sense to the assessment giants that provide them.

How can sites use PSAT/Pre-ACT Data to help guide instruction?

  • Bringing your Students Data to Life: Help your team use the data from your PSAT administration to improve your instructional program. Lead data-driven college & career readiness conversations.
  • Improving Equity through Access: Giving students access to SAT/ACT isn’t enough. Equity is achieved by preparing all high school students for college readiness assessments.
  • Data Informed Student Placement: Integrate PSAT results into your placement practices including master scheduling and/or multi-tier system of supports.

Free PSAT Data Interpretation

We provide a comprehensive analysis of your school or district's PSAT data. Click here to learn more and sign up for a free consultation today.

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