Higher Education Opportunities in the State of Alabama

The State of Alabama has announced a policy stating that all juniors will be required to take the ACT® with Writing.

The State of Alabama has announced a policy stating that all juniors will be required to take the ACT® with Writing. This policy change is aimed at increasing college readiness and access for students in the state.

The ACT®, or American College Testing, is a standardized test: 

  • Widely used for college admissions in the United States
  • The test measures a student's knowledge and skills in English, math, reading, and science
  • It is designed to give colleges an idea of how prepared a student is for college-level coursework
  • The ACT® score is widely accepted by colleges and universities in the United States

The decision to require all juniors to take the ACT® is a significant change for Alabama, as it was one of the few states that did not make the test a requirement for high school students. However, the state has recognized the importance of the ACT® in the college admissions process and wants to ensure that all students have the opportunity to showcase their abilities and potential to colleges. 

The ACT® is the capstone of ACT® College and Career Readiness Solutions, and is aligned to Alabama’s College and Career Readiness Standards. 

According to the Alabama State Department of Education, the ACT®:

  • Has been approved for use in No Child Left Behind and Annual Yearly Progress accountability
  • Will enable school and district leaders to track student performance with aggregate and standards-based reporting past high school classes
  • Will be used as an instructional improvement program statewide to improve the college and career readiness of Alabama students
  • Will raise college awareness and exposure among all students, rather than just self-selected, college-bound students now that it is administered statewide
  • Will provide user-friendly information about how ACT® tests align with state standards

This policy change will also have a positive impact on students who may not have otherwise considered taking the ACT®. By making the test mandatory, the state is giving these students the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness for college and potentially open doors to higher education opportunities they may not have otherwise had. It is important to note that the state will be covering the cost of the test for all juniors, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent any students from taking the ACT®.

Overall, the State of Alabama's decision to require all juniors to take the ACT® is a positive step towards increasing college readiness and access for students in the state. It will give all juniors the opportunity to showcase their abilities to colleges, and potentially open doors to higher education opportunities they may not have otherwise had. Additionally, the ACT® score is widely accepted by colleges and universities in the United States, this will give students a broader range of options to apply for higher education.

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