ACT NOW Campaign: Arkansas

ACT NOW campaign aimed at encouraging high school students in the state to take the ACT® college admission test

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) recently launched its "ACT NOW" campaign aimed at encouraging high school students in the state to take the ACT® college admission test. The campaign is part of the ADE's ongoing efforts to improve college readiness and access among Arkansas students.

According to the ADE, many high schools in the state provide the ACT® as a part of their standard testing regimen, but some students choose not to take it, either because they believe they are not ready or because they don't think they will need it. The "ACT NOW" campaign seeks to address these misconceptions and encourage all high school students to take the test.

The ACT®

  • Widely recognized as one of the most important measures of college readiness
  • Measures a student's knowledge in English, math, reading, and science
  • Used by many colleges and universities to help determine admissions and scholarships
  • Provides students with a valuable opportunity to practice for the test-taking experience
  • Beneficial when they take other standardized tests later in their academic careers

The ADE is working with high schools across the state to promote the "ACT NOW" campaign and to encourage students to take the ACT®. The department has provided a range of resources, including informational materials and online resources, to help students and their families understand the importance of the test and to prepare for it.

Few reasons why it is important for a student to prepare for and take the ACT®

  • Maximize Scores: Preparation can help a student perform to the best of their ability on the ACT® and potentially receive higher scores. This can lead to more college and scholarship opportunities.
  • Confidence Boost: Preparing for the ACT® can give a student a sense of mastery over the material covered on the test, which can help boost their confidence and reduce test anxiety.
  • Better Understanding of College Readiness: By preparing for the ACT®, a student can gain a better understanding of what is expected of them in college, which can help them make more informed decisions about their future education and career plans.
  • Scholarship Opportunities: Some scholarships require a minimum ACT® score, and high scores can increase a student's eligibility for merit-based awards.
  • Increased Chances of Admission to Desired Colleges: By taking the ACT®, a student can demonstrate their abilities and interests to colleges, which can increase their chances of being admitted to the schools they are interested in attending.

In addition to promoting the ACT®, the ADE is also working to improve college readiness among Arkansas students more broadly. The department has implemented a number of initiatives, including the Arkansas Core Curriculum, which sets standards for what students should know and be able to do in each subject, and the Arkansas Ready for College and Career program, which provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.

The "ACT NOW" campaign is an important part of the ADE's efforts to improve college readiness and access among Arkansas students. By encouraging all high school students to take the ACT®, the department is helping to ensure that more students are prepared for success in college and beyond.

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